Learning and Development

The Learning and development specialist understands the needs of the process and designs modules in line with the process and client requirement. Some of the modules are mandatory while some are specific to the process and role.




The training & development process has been designed keeping in view the learning objectives. The training process at B2R is divided into 4 parts:

1.Diagnosis or Training Needs Identification: The training needs for each role holder is determined in two phases. .
a.The first part is accomplished during the process transition stage when the minimum skill requirement for each role is documented. Based on this minimum skill list the Learning and Development team would determine the specific training curriculum. 

b.The team would also prepare tools/tests/interview questions to measure the skills and competencies required for the project. An IJP would then be announced along with the dates, skills required (to enable the people to take an informed decision- while applying), tests and durations and the identified site (if applicable- where the project would be based). Applicants clearing the tests and consequently the interview – will undergo the Process Training. 

2.Designing: Designing is much more than putting a presentation together- All our designs incorporate Mature Learning Principles, the training sessions/activities are experiential in nature.

3.Intervention: If your design and diagnostics are spot on then 80% of the job is already done- however we take care of our 20% by making our sessions interesting by facilitating the learners to learn rather than training or teaching them- by following IGNITE principles of facilitation. All our trainers are trained on IGNITE principles by our L&D specialist.

4.Sustenance: Sustenance comes in the form of Coaching – wherein coaches and TL's and GL's are able to use reference points from intervention to support the Team Members to be able to incorporate the learning’s. We measure this month on month basis and data is published- which either keeps people in or move them out of our Dynamic Quality Pool system.

Focus on people development - A key principle from a learning & development perspective has been embedded in the operations: the 1-in-6 principle; by virtue of this principle, out of every six units of time spent working, one unit will be invested in an individuals’ development. This principle is vital to drive an individual and thereby the organization to deliver work higher up in the value chain. To ensure focused & serious efforts from the individual during the training period, a nominal fee is charged by B2R; this amount is kept with the organization as a deposit & is refunded to the individual upon successful completion of training & meeting the predefined threshold criteria. Post training, the individual gets an appointment letter & joins the company as an employee, eligible to draw a salary thereafter. Individuals who do not clear the threshold criteria at the first attempt are given specific feedback and coached into developing further in respect of their areas of improvement – they are given a specific timeframe to improve & take re-assessments after that.