Migration Approach
B2R follows a well-proven migration approach created based on the experiences of
the management team in transitioning over 45 projects for international and domestic
clients in the insurance, financial services, travel, telecom and retail verticals.
The approach consists of 4 steps depicted above :
Step 1 :
B2R works closely with the business units of the client organisation to identify processes that can be outsourced. This is based on a scorecard matrix which takes into account various factors that impact outsourcing decisions.
Step 2:
Once projects have been identified, the appropriate outsourcing solution is created
by studying existing process maps and business linkages. This covers all aspects
of technology, training, quality assurance and governance.
Step 3:
Once the solution has been signed off by the client, the project is transitioned
by B2R. A dedicated team works on the transition before it is taken over by the
delivery team
Step 4:
This is the steady state delivery with weekly, monthly and quarterly reviews to
track and benchmark process performance.