PDF conversion services

What is PDF conversion services?

The PDF is an abbreviation of Portable Document Format and the principal purpose was to engage in the creation of computer application towards the development of ‘paperless office’. Transformation of files is an important part of digitization by the companies who deal in huge amount of data on daily and regular basis.

Adobe PDF Conversion: (uPDF) PDF Linking

B2R, provides effective digitization services to the companies that deal in valuable and sensitive information.

Over the years B2R served to a wide range of industries. Few among them are US based travel and daily Magazine publishers, Indian Lawbook Publishers, British-owned education publishing and assessment service to schools.

The services provided by us are

 Paper, TIFF, JPEG, GIF or any graphic format to the Adobe Conversions

 Hyper linking and Bookmarking of Adobe Documents

PDF bookmarks

A bookmark is a type of link with representative text in the Bookmarks panel in the navigation pane. Each bookmark goes to a different view or page in the document.

Create a link

Links let you jump to other locations in the same document, to other electronic documents including attachments, or to websites.

Edit a link

You can edit a link at any time. You can change its hotspot area or associated link action, delete or resize the link rectangle, or change the destination of the link.

Set Destinations for search

A destination is the end point of a link and is represented by text in the Destinations panel. Destinations enable you to set navigation paths across a collection of PDFs. Linking to a destination is recommended when linking across documents because, unlike a link to a page, a link to a destination is not affected by the addition or deletion of pages within the target pdf document.

PDF optimizer/compressor

This page lets you optimize and compress PDF files to decrease file size, e.g. when you wish to save bandwidth or fit the file within e-mail attachment file size limits.

Why B2R

 Capability of handling large volumes of work in quick TAT

 Significantly low cost in the industry

 Speedy publication is possible

 Quality assurance


We make sure to assure our clients to get a reasonable price. Get your job done in just as low as Rs 20/page (USD 0.30/page).


Just Click and avail our high-value PDF conversion/Bookmarking services and get a no obligation quote from us.